The wisdom
of the root

Discover the gentle elemental power of the millennia through one of Asia's most famous roots:
Natural well-being for body, mind & soul day after day!


The power of the root: Korean GINSENG

The ginseng root is the most valuable medicinal plant in Asia and has been valued for its diverse effects for more than 2,000 years. Asians have long used ginseng to help them become mentally fit, physically healthy and very old.

It contains natural substances that help us to lead a long and active life in the best of health. Traditionally, ginseng was used daily in the kitchen and stabilized energy, body and mind.

But beware: There are over 20 different varieties in nature and only one of them is by far the strongest: it comes from Panax ginseng, the Korean ginseng.

Smart use of Ginseng´s natural force  >>>

Daily ENERGY rollercoaster

Do you also suffer from the fact that your mental performance decreases noticeably after midday without you being able to do anything about it?

That's how many of us feel:

  • Frequent forgetfulness & lack of concentration
  • Increasing lows in performance and mood
  • Recurring lack of energy

What if you could maintain your mental freshness throughout the day until late in the evening in a natural, long-lasting and safe way?

More energy by Ginseng  >>>



Dead END: Coffee, taurine & more

You can increase your own performance with simple means. These include:

  • Coffee, tea or energy drinks
  • Herbal tonics & sweet snacks
  • Pharmacological active ingredients

Most of these ‘home remedies’ only have a short-term effect - the energy comes quickly, just like when you flick the light switch at home:

  • LIGHT ON = gain higher power quickly
  • LIGHT OFF = relapse to your starting level

Unfortunately, none of these methods will stabilize you permanently and you will constantly increase the dose due to the habituation effect.

Supporting your brain gently  >>>

The ENEMY: industrial monocultures

The original ginseng was powerful, free from environmental toxins and rich in valuable natural substances. It grew 25 to 100 years old in the rain-rich forests of south-east Asia.

Natural ginseng loves moist, humus-rich soil and was almost wiped out by uncontrolled wild harvesting. Wild ginseng is now protected by the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and may no longer be collected in the wild.

Today, ginseng has lost its original naturalness. In conventional agriculture, it is harvested from fields after only 5-7 years. Unfortunately, more and more pesticides and heavy metals are found in the root. The cultivation leaches out the soil and the ginseng is transported to Europe over long distances.

Environmental killer monocultures  >>>

Traktor mit Giftspritze


SUSTAINABILITY - naturally defined

Our products are packaged in an environmentally friendly way in 100% biodegradable jars. Also the tin and the seal are fully compostable. The natural material is obtained from renewable raw materials (wood chips) and is certified in accordance with EN 13432. The cardboard is made from FSC-certified paper and printed without plastic varnish - guaranteed microplastic-free.

The can is composted into humus in just 4 weeks. In your own garden it takes a few months longer - in the end the organic material rots just like leaves in the soil.

How sustainable packaging works >>>

The SOLUTION: HiQ Ginseng

Red Korean ginseng from aqua culture has recently become available. For the first time it is possible to produce ginseng sustainably and in a controlled manner in Europe. This ginseng is not only safe, strong and strictly controlled. Its unrivalled purity even exceeds the high quality standards for medicinal products. 

Advantages of HiQ Ginseng:

  • Highly pure: Completely free from pesticides, heavy metals or other environmental toxins for best tolerability
  • Premium: Exceptionally high concentration of effective ingredients (rare ginsenosides) and best bioavailability for rapid activation
  • Natural: Formulated without additives, vegan, steamed full-spectrum root without extraction, histamine-free
  • Safe: Guaranteed 100% PANAX Ginseng C.A. Meyer, tested to the highest standards, GMP production, HACCP hygiene concept, clinical studies
  • Sustainable: Packaging = compostable material from the circular economy (wood chips), hydroponic ginseng culture saves water, energy & reduces emissions, low CO2 footprint

Purest ginseng cultures - marvellous >>>

Different PRODUCTS, one goal

Ginseng comes in many varieties, which botanists also call ‘species’. The most effective ginseng with the highest content of bioactive natural substances is PANAX ginseng C.A. Meyer, also known as Korean ginseng.

In addition to the origin, the processing of the root is also important. Ginseng takes on three different colours through different processes:

  • White ginseng
  • Red ginseng
  • Black ginseng

Unfortunately, only very few people know which type of ginseng is best for us and by which process.

The perfect ginseng for me >>>

Verschiedene Ginseng Wurzeln


So that's it already? Not quite - we've forgotten another important detail: The bioavailability of natural substances in our body.

Let's assume...

  • You've finally found the right product
  • It is grown naturally and according to organic standards
  • Without harming the climate or soil
  • You have all the quality certificates
  • The end product would be (almost) free of harmful substances
  • And would be well tolerated by you

After ingestion, however, you do not know whether the important natural substances have been properly and completely absorbed by your body. If too few arrive at their destination, you will be disappointed by this product again - without understanding why.

You feel like a demanding customer flying blind - without any product information.

Natural substances & blood-brain barrier >>>

At last: VISUAL FLIGHT in the brain

We not only test the performance of our products on ourselves*, but also individually on our customers on request.

In the ‘Brain Map’ we can then see in black and white when the natural substances reach the brain in the right concentration. Testing is quick, elegant and safe - the bioactive substances usually reach their target location in less than 45 minutes.

Only if the so-called ‘bioavailability’ of the valuable natural substances is sufficient can your body really utilise the positive properties of the root and get the best out of ginseng root. Anything else does not meet our expectations of a ‘high quality’ product. We are only satisfied with the best of nature!

*qEEG Brainmaps, 16 channel measurement at 256 Hz and 6 frequencies

17 times better bio-availability >>>

Torsten Schmid-Bader mit Gehirnscan

Natural purity.

The purest natural products from hydroponic cultures

For the first time in Europe, our ginseng is grown in hydroponic culture under the purest conditions: A safe and EU-funded process makes it possible to grow pure Korean ginseng in unrivalled quality and purity. Scientifically tested & of the highest pharmaceutical quality. For all those who have high demands on their health. And at the same time love sustainable products.

Advantages of HiQ Ginseng:

  • Highly pure: No pesticides, heavy metals or other environmental toxins for best tolerability
  • Powerful: High concentration of effective ingredients similar to wild giseng for rapid activation
  • Natural: No additives, vegan, full-spectrum root without extraction, histamine-free, no sugars or colors, no binders or preservatives, lactose and fructose free
  • Safe: 100% tested genuinge PANAX Ginseng C.A. Meyer roots, GMP manufacture in Germany, state-of-the art quality controls, clinical EU studies

Highest quality standards

The major challenges with natural products are counterfeiting, contamination with harmful substances, unsafe supply chains and high CO2 emissions due to long transport routes and complex processing.

It is therefore all the more pleasing that natural substances are finally available from a safe source in standardised quality. The magic word is ‘hydroponic cultivation in a pharmaceutical clean room’.

This makes plants strong, saves a lot of energy, water and artificial fertiliser when growing and protects the environment and climate thanks to short transport routes. Packaged in a 100% compostable tin - this is how sustainability works today.

grüne Ginseng Blätter

Our HiQ concept

At HiQ-Nature, we live by a very simple motto: ‘We are only ever satisfied with the best.’

As a small manufactory, we develop natural products using state-of-the-art Western manufacturing processes and pharmaceutical analysis and combine them with the Far Eastern knowledge of holism and Qi.

We understand the connection between process, quality and effect: with our experience, we stand for a scientific approach and the highest purity and safety standards.

We rely on serious clinical studies and medical evidence. Using qEEG, we show that the pharmacologically active ‘rare ginsenosides’ reach the decisive areas of the brain in sufficient concentration via the blood-brain barrier. This activates the release of the transmitters dopamine, acetylcholine and noradrenaline, which are important for memory, concentration and focus.

Clinical studies confirm the particularly fast-acting effect of hydroponic ginseng in vivo. In aqua culture, full-spectrum ginseng accumulates such high concentrations of the active ingredients as the extinct wild ginseng.

We provide clear answers to all questions about the quality, origin and composition of our products - documented in black and white.

Your ‘brain cure’

3 simple steps to ‘mindful balance’



In the start phase, you begin your HiQ brain training with ginseng to quickly build up the right concentration of natural substances in the body and achieve noticeably better focus



HiQ Ginseng aktiviert in den nächsten Monaten deine innere Energie und zündet den "sanften Turbo". Du fühlst dich mental frischer, bist fokussierter und erhältst verlorene Energie zurück.



After 12 weeks of intensive training, your brain - like every muscle - deserves some time off for restful regeneration. Resume training after a break of around 4 weeks.

  • Want more info?

Just in case your thirst for knowledge is even greater than our stories on this page: We hold regular webinars to provide you with the best possible information about natural substances, quality issues and aquaculture. We look forward to every new interested party!

REFERENCES: What our customers & partners say


I was able to experience the immense effect of ‘HiQ Ginseng’ during a very intensive seminar, which made great demands on my ability to concentrate. The effect set in about 2 hours after taking it, I was completely fresh and clear again. However, I do not recommend taking it in the evening, as it can affect your sleep, which is what happened to me. But I am very enthusiastic and can recommend ‘HiQ Ginseng’ to anyone who wants to support the full performance of their body in a natural way!

Anja Fischer
CEO charmingplaces, Ravensburg



I was very tired and lacking in energy on the second day of a three-day practical seminar. With ‘HiQ Ginseng’ I got through the second day of the seminar without any problems and my mental performance was restored. My Smart Watch showed me a sensational 12% improvement in my energy level, my HRZ increased and my stress level dropped within a few hours. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly ‘HiQ Ginseng’ revs up my brain - I would also recommend it to my patients without reservation.

Christopher Bellafiore
Osteopath, Würzburg



I feel much more awake, alert and in a much better mood. I'm sure the ideas from the conference over the weekend also had an influence on this... but the HiQ Ginseng certainly played a big part too.

Torsten Dürdoth
IT Consultant, Eschweiler



I started taking HiQ Ginseng the very next day and can report that I am more alert and more balanced. If it stays that way, ginseng will become my constant companion.

Thomas Berninger
Financial advisor, Mannheim



As a coach, I have to be just as fit in the morning at 8am as I am after the 15th meeting at 6pm. The ‘HiQ-Ginseng’ finally gives me the ability to stay highly focussed for long periods of time so that I can talk to my clients at eye level throughout the day without flagging.

Sascha Zöller
Coach, Köln



I felt the WoW effect after just over a week of taking HiQ ginseng. I feel noticeably fresher in my head and can now get through longer phases of everyday life without a drop in performance.

Daniel Kayser
Online Marketing Coach, Berlin


Who we are

HiQ-Nature GmbH is a young, owner-managed company based in North Hesse that develops natural products based on evidence and scientific standards.

We manufacture safe products with the highest quality standards for health-conscious end consumers and therapists, pharmacists & doctors specialising in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

We at HiQ-Nature are pharmacists, bio-process engineers, developers, manufacturers, analysts and marketing experts ‘in persona’.

With > 25 years of industry experience in production, analytics and quality risk management at research-based pharmaceutical manufacturers, we consistently put into practice the methods and processes that are best practice for us.

Why we do this

Our vision is ‘mens sana in corpore sano’ - a healthy mind in a healthy body. What has been based on experience in traditional herbal medicine for more than 2,000 years can now be proven in black and white for many long-established plants through scientific understanding and clinical studies.

We are building the bridge from ‘faith’ to ‘knowledge’ and redefining performance enhancement with active health protection through our products. Our mission is to develop highly pure and safe natural products with practical benefits for everyday life for health-conscious consumers with high expectations.


What this means for our customers

For us, a healthy mind in a healthy body means living for years without complaints, starting the day with fresh energy and still being able to focus and concentrate on the important things in life in the evening. Living a balanced life throughout the day, without a drop in performance, tiredness after lunch or dwindling motivation. This means: savouring your own natural lifespan with a clear head.

Feeling the lightness of life, building up more resistance to stress in order to be more balanced and in a better mood in everyday life, training a better memory so that we no longer forget important appointments or remember the name of a nice colleague even after many years.

What if we could naturally maintain or even improve our brain power for a long time?

How does that work? With safe and tested natural substances that meet the highest quality standards. Cultivated sustainably and packaged in an environmentally friendly way. And strictly controlled in Germany. From a company that takes every question from its customers seriously and answers them clearly.

Thomas Lettmann, Ph.D.



I studied bioprocess engineering and did my doctorate specialising in food technology. I have had a weakness for high-end products for many years.

Early on, I focussed on the analysis of biological products. Establishing robust processes that lead to consistently high quality at all times has since become my life's work.

A few years ago, on a delegation trip to China, I discovered a plant that was unknown to me, which can be used as a food, spice and medicine. This developed into my enthusiasm for natural plant substances with a wide range of applications.

My commitment to ‘high quality’ became the core of our project ‘HiQ - secrets of nature’.

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Lettmann

Torsten Schmidt-Bader, Ph.D.


As an industrial pharmacist with a doctorate and specialised pharmacist for analytics, I worked for many years for large pharmaceutical manufacturers. I have been self-employed for over a decade and have long wondered whether and how the ‘healthy’ in nature could have a preventative effect.

My research led me to the ‘bioactive’ substances in traditional plants: I learnt to assess the shortcomings of the products & preparations on offer. The ‘key’ to good sources for me is knowledge, control and the highest quality.

We developed our HiQ standard, which goes beyond current pharmacopoeia requirements and has been state-of-the-art for us for more than 5 years.

Ever since I realised what really matters, my heart has been beating for genuine prevention with powerful natural substances. This allows me to enjoy my natural lifespan without any complaints. At the same time, I postpone the onset of chronic, age-related illnesses by years, if not decades. I can't prove this scientifically today - but let's talk about it in 20 years' time, I'm looking forward to it!

Dr. rer.nat. Torsten Schmidt-Bader

Profil von Dr. Torsten Schmidt-Bader